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52 photos

Pantagonia is a photographer's paradise... It's massive peaks, marvelous waterfalls, and incredibly blue glaciers are just part of what makes this a very special place. Add spectacular glowing sunsets and sunrises, lenticular clouds and icebergs and you've got a combination that is hard to beat anywhere in the world.
Fitzroy MassifCentral Tower - Torres del Paine National ParkPatagoniaGaunacos - Torres Del Paine National Park ChiliePaine Grande PeakGaunaco - Torres Del Paine National Park ChiliePaine Grande Peak and Pehoe LakePaine Grande PeakTorres del Paine National ParkGaucho &  HorsesGaucho With His HorseGauchoGauchoFitz Roy MassifMore of PatagoniaLago Grey - Torres del Paine (Wild Parrots)Lago Grey - Torres del PaineLago Grey GlacierA Jewel-Like IcebergIceberg -Wow!

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